حتمية الواقع وتحديات المستقبل
يومي 05 و 06 جانفي 2022

الملتقى الدولي الثاني
تقييم النشر العلمي في الجزائر في ظل التجارب الدولية

The inevitability of reality and future challenges
January 5th & 6th, 2022

The 2nd international conference
Evaluation of scientific publishing in Algeria in the light of international experiences


تنعقد أعمال الملتقى
بجامعة زيان عاشور بالجلفة الجزائر 

جامعة الجلفة

The conference
will be held at Zian Achour University  

جامعة الجلفة

The 2nd International Conference Countdown


The scientific publishing is the ultimate purpose of scientific researches and studies. They are tools to spread science and knowledge. Furthermore, they contribute to the accumulation of knowledge it self. Hence, universities, laboratories, studies centres, and researchers tend to publish their studies in different scientific and academic publishing platforms such as journals and books, which play an essential role as information sources. Scientific publishing is also the basic infrastructure for establishing and developing higher education and scientific research. As well as, it reinforce international standards of universities and enhance research institutions'classification.

Although the continuous efforts and endeavours to promote scientific publishing in Algeria, they collide with many challenges and obstacles. First of all, the lack of commitment to the internationally accepted scientific publishing standards in Algeria, which negatively affected Algeria’s journals classification within international journals with a high impact factor. Second, the monopoly of the classification of periodicals and journals by certain institutions depending on unfair and unattainable conditions rather than the quality of scientific publishing. Besides issues directly related to the interests of the researcher, which mainly linked to the relationship of scientific research, professional and academic progress.

Many scientific journals and periodicals have appeared in recent years in the field of scientific publishing in Algeria.It was a positive start; however,with time, there has been a need to value these journals. The considerable number of scientific journals overshadowed the quality and the standards of publications.

This reality poses a challenge. In the intertwining of these data of the national and international evaluation system with those difficulties and challenges specific to the Algerian scientific environment, it has become necessary to discuss this reality in order to come up with solutions and mechanisms for its advancement based on the following questions:

  • How robust is the system of evaluatingscientific publishing in Algeria?
  • To what extent is the scientific publishing in Algeria evaluated?
  • What are the most critical difficulties we face?
  • What is the mechanism for its advancement?


The word of the university rector, the honorary president of the forum and the president of the Supreme Committee:

PhD. Ailem Elhadj - Ziane Achour University's Director - Algeria

I am pleased and honoured 
to welcome the guests of the international conference on the campus of ziyan Achour University in Djelfa in Algeria.

The university's mission, and desired goals, is to unite the efforts of the university family in order to draw a coherent plan to encourage creativity and excellence in the educational and research process. The university aims to build a society that enhances the knowledge and knowledge economy and strives with every effort to develop the service of the public scientific facility to achieve a respectable position that we would be among our national universities and the international competition. Since the scientific conferences are one of the most important scientific activities that contribute significantly to achieving the scientific renaissance at the university, we will host the second international conference:

  Evaluation of scientific publishing in Algeria in the light of the international experiences (The inevitability of reality and future challenges)

This conference is inspired by the belief in the importance of scientific publishing to enrich scientific knowledge and exchange experiences and expertise in the classification of universities, scientific and research institutions nationally, regionally, and globally.

The word of the General Supervisor and president of the Preparatory Committee of the conference:
PhD. Kamal Rouibah -University of Zian Achour -Djelfa-
Director of the Institute of Science and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities

Those who follow the movement of publishing in national and international scientific journals find that there is great sufferance for researchers in publishing their research, and these difficulties lay in the absence of mechanisms, whether in choosing the journal or how to publish in it. This international conference came as an inevitable result of the third national conference marked with the basics of publishing in refereed journals, during which we sensed the great interest of researchers on the knowledge of everything that is going on in the publishing field. Therefore, we, the family of the Institute of Sciences and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities at the University of Djelfa, decided to establish the second international conference marked as “Evaluating scientific publishing in Algeria in the light of international experiences.” that flow in the same context in order to satiate the researchers' understanding of improving the vision and answer the important questions in the topic of scientific publishing which are: What do I publish? How do I choose the appropriate scientific journal for publication? Moreover, because the Algerian university is part of the international universities system, we will answer through this international conference the aforementioned questions, hoping that they would be a real beginning for other conferences that address this issue, which is considered as the last and the important stage in carrying out a scientific research until they see the light and benefit society.



Conference Chair's Message:

PhD. Messoudi Tahar - University of Zian Achour - Djelfa-

 In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to God, who said: “I only desire reform so far as I am able.”
We welcome you to your scientific meeting the second international conference: 

“Evaluation of scientific publishing in Algeria in the light of international experiences”

(The inevitability of reality and future challenges)

 Keeping abreast of the progress and development achieved by the promising university in all academic and research fields in order to support the scientific and research movement in Algeria, we seek through this conference sessions to evaluate and diagnose the reality of scientific publishing in Algeria and to explore its future. By knowing the imbalances, realising the short comings and the ways to address them, identifying the pioneering experiences in the field of scientific publishing, and providing solutions and proposing strategies, ideas, and recommendations to upgrade the scientific publishing system in Algeria. In conclusion, I can only thank all my colleagues who have contributed and worked hard in preparing for this international event, and we are sure that everyone will have fun, distinguished, and useful time. Please accept my regards and appreciation. Please accept my regards and appreciation.

The word of the Conference Vice-President:
PhD. Laadjal Aadala University of Abdul Hamid bin Badis - Mostaganem -

Director of the Laboratory of Transformation Strategies for the Green Economy

According to the message and vision of the laboratory “Strategy for the Transformation to a Green Economy” University of Affiliation (Abdel Hamid Bin Badis University - Mostaganem -), we confirm the actual contribution to supporting and revitalising scientific demonstrations regarding the development of scientific research, support and investment in the development of the national economy, in order to achieve sustainable development.

On this basis, the scientific cooperation with the University of Zian Achour in Djelfa came in the organisation of the second international conference marked as “Evaluation of scientific publishing in Algeria in the light of international experiences.” (The inevitability of reality and future challenges.)

 With the participation and scientific advice in the arbitration and reading of the interventions, it is worth noting in this context that the laboratory publishes the forum's works in a scientific journal.

The Conference themes:

1st Theme: Theoretical concepts, methods, and mechanisms for evaluating scientific publishing in Algeria.

2nd Theme: The impact of scientific publishing on the rankings of universities.

3rd Theme: Regional and international experiences in the field of evaluating scientific publishing.

4th Theme: International evaluation bodies; (Thompson Routers, Elsevier’s Scopus, Springer, Taylor & Francis, ERIC)

5th theme: Scientific Journal Editing Management Platforms (ASJP, OJS, ...) and Documentations and ReferencesManagement Software (EndNote, Mendeley) 

6th Theme: The problems and difficulties of the scientific publishing industry in Algeria.

The Conference Objectives:

1- Diagnosing and evaluating the scientific publishing in Algeria and predicting its future.
2 –Identifying the imbalances of the scientific publishing system Algeria and the ways to address them.
3- Defining international standards for evaluating publishing platforms and their role in promoting scientific research.
4 - Introducing some pioneer models in the field of evaluating scientific publishing.
5- Shedding light on the leading international experiences and projects in the field of measuring and evaluating scientific publishing.
6- Recognising the difficulties and challenges that faced Algeria's experiences in the field of measuring and evaluating scientific publishing.
7- Submitting proposals to upgrade the system of evaluating scientific publishing.


1- Managers and editors of scientific journals
Professors, researchers, and Ph.D. students in universities, institutes, and schools.
3- Laboratory directors and members of the research and scientific publishing units.
4-The directors and members of the classifications institutions.
5- Libraries and Information specialists.
6- Directors and members of the specialised research and study centres.

Participation Requirements:

  1. The research must be original and not previously published or submitted to any other university or conference.
  2. The researcher must investigate in his research the novelty, depth, intent, and adherence to the scientific and methodological requirements according to the APA style guide.
  3. The paper must not be less than 13 pages and no more than 20 pages, including references and appendices.
  4. -The research paper, regardless of its language, should include a summary in English and another in Arabic.
  5. Research papers written in the following languages are accepted: Arabic, English, French, and German.
  6. The research papers, in Arabic, and their summaries to be written with Word Office in SakkalMajalla font, size 16.Concerning Latin languages, in Times New Roman, size 12.

Important Dates

- 01 September 2020 Deadline to send abstract

- 04 September 2020 Deadline to reply accepted abstracts.

- 04 October 2020 Deadline to send full intervention.

- 06 October 2020 Deadline to reply accepted interventions.

- 08 October 2020 Sending invitations to accepted interventions researchers.

- 25-26 November 2020 The Commencement of the conference.

Conference Staff

PhD. Ailem ElHadj

The honorary president of the conference
كمال رويبح

PhD. Kamal Rouibah

The General Supervisor and president of the Preparatory Committee
طاهر مسعودي

PhD. Messoudi Tahar

Conference Chair's

PhD. Laadjal Aadala

Conference Vice Chairman- Editor-in-chief of "Strategy and Development Review" university of Mostaganem - Algeria

Conference Committees

PhD.Fodili Mokhtar

International Cooperation Committee

PhD. Ben Daoud Ibrahim

Scientific & Legal Advisor

Dr.Khadija Sellami

المشرف على الملتقى

PhD.Chorfi Ameur

General Coordinator

Dr.Bounachada Yacine

President of the Organising Committee

PhD.Brahimi Tarek

President of the Scientific Committee

Dr.Nadia Ben Ouargla

President of The Media Relations Committee

Dr.Ben Lakhdar Mohamed

Rapporteur & President of Recommendations Committee
Dr Abdelmadjid Bekai

Dr.Abdelmadjid Bekai

President of Design & IT Committee

Dr.Kassar Mahi

Budget Committee

Abdelbaki Sellami

Reception Committee

المتدخلون الرئيسيون من خارج الجزائر

Main event speakers

Dr. Saoussen Cheddadi

PhD, American And International Studies - The University Of Kansas

Dr. Mohammed El Amine Abdelli

PhD in economics at The Technical University of Cartagena and researcher at the University of Salamanca (Spain)

Dr. Sabir Ouchen

Researcher in the laboratory for power electronics and electrical drives at Aalen university of applied sciences, Germany

Dr. Tom Olyhoek

Editor in Chief DOAJ- Amsterdam- The Netherlands

Iryna Kuchma

Open Access Programme Manager, EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries) - Lithuania

Margaret Anne Warner

International Education Consultant and UK HLTA Assessor at MAW Education- United Kingdom

Yousef Torman

Managing Director- Arab States Research and Education Network – ASREN- Germany

Prof. Mahmoud Abdel-Aty

Sohag University Egypt- The Founder Of Arabic Impact Factor- Vice-President Of African Academy Of Sciences, Nairobi-Kenya

Dr. TAIB Mebrouki

Al Madinah International University -Malaysia

Dr. Elamrani Taoufiq

Regional Academy for Education and Training - Ministry of National Education - Morocco

Dr. Dalal Elhalabi

Doctorate of Clinical and Adjustment Psychology, Lebanese University, Lebanon

Main Speakers From Algeria

PhD. Hacène Belbachir

Director of the Center for Research on Scientific and Technical Information CERIST - Director of the operational research laboratory, combinatorics, theoretical computer science and stochastic methods RECITS in Houari Boumediene University in Bab Ezzouar - Algeria


Managing Editor DOAJ- Ambassador for the North Africa-Middle East -Editor in chief of ALGERIAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS- Algeria
أ حريك جكيم

Harik Hakim

Research, Evaluation And Scientific Factors Department-Ministry Of Higher Education And Scientific Research -Algeria

PhD. Laadjal Aadala

Conference Vice Chairman- Editor-in-chief of "Strategy and Development Review" university of Mostaganem - Algeria

Lead Sponsors

of The 2nd international conference

Main Sponsors

Sponsored By

The Conference will held at: